Welcome to the GR Database of The National Genebank of Tunisia.

Prof. Mohamed Larbi Khouja
Institut National de Recherches en Génie Rural, Eaux et Forêts

Source of accessions
NGBTUN 33 PFPPeriploca angustifolia
NGBTUN 65 PFPCupressus sempervirens L.
NGBTUN 66 PFPCupressus sempervirens L.
NGBTUN 67 PFPCupressus sempervirens L.
NGBTUN 107 PFPAcacia saligna (Labill.) H. L. Wendl.
NGBTUN 108 PFPAcacia saligna (Labill.) H. L. Wendl.
NGBTUN 109 PFPAcacia saligna (Labill.) H. L. Wendl.
NGBTUN 110 PFPAcacia cyclops A. Cunn. ex G. Don
NGBTUN 111 PFPAcacia cyclops A. Cunn. ex G. Don
NGBTUN 112 PFPAcacia cyclops A. Cunn. ex G. Don
NGBTUN 113 PFPAcacia f farnesiana
NGBTUN 114 PFPAcacia ebernua
NGBTUN 115 PFPAcacia mollissima
NGBTUN 116 PFPAcacia salicina Lindl.
NGBTUN 117 PFPAcacia salicina Lindl.
NGBTUN 119 PFPProsopis spp.
NGBTUN 121 PFPRetama raetam (Forssk.) Webb & Berthel.
NGBTUN 125 PFPEucalyptus leucoxylon F. Muell.
NGBTUN 126 PFPEucalyptus astringens (Maiden) Maiden
NGBTUN 131 PFPEucalyptus brookxagi
NGBTUN 132 PFPEucalyptus chamaldulensis
NGBTUN 133 PFPEucalyptus chamaldulensis
NGBTUN 138 PFPEucalyptus flocktoniae (Maiden) Maiden
NGBTUN 139 PFPEucalyptus gigantea
NGBTUN 140 PFPEucalyptus gonphocephala
NGBTUN 141 PFPEucalyptus lehmannii (Schauer) Benth.
NGBTUN 146 PFPEucalyptus melanophora
NGBTUN 147 PFPEucalyptus microtheca F. Muell.
NGBTUN 148 PFPEucalyptus microtheca F. Muell.
NGBTUN 150 PFPEucalyptus oleosa F. Muell. ex Miq.
NGBTUN 151 PFPEucalyptus pauciflora Sieber ex Spreng.
NGBTUN 152 PFPEucalyptus rudis Endl.
NGBTUN 153 PFPEucalyptus salubria
NGBTUN 154 PFPEucalyptus sargentii Maiden
NGBTUN 155 PFPEucalyptus sideroxylon A. Cunn. ex Woolls
NGBTUN 158 PFPEucalyptus torquata Luehm.
NGBTUN 159 PFPEucalyptus kirtaniania
NGBTUN 160 PFPFraxinus angustifolia Vahl
NGBTUN 161 PFPPhoenix spp.
NGBTUN 162 PFPPinus halepensis Mill.
NGBTUN 163 PFPPinus halepensis Mill.
NGBTUN 164 PFPPinus halepensis Mill.
NGBTUN 165 PFPPinus pinaster Aiton
NGBTUN 166 PFPPinus pinea L.
NGBTUN 178 PFPCalligonum azel Maire
NGBTUN 528 PFPRicinus communis L.
NGBTUN 1355 PFPQuercus suber L.
NGBTUN 1356 PFPErica arborea L.
NGBTUN 1357 PFPCalicotome villosa
NGBTUN 1358 PFPDaphne gnidium L.
NGBTUN 1359 PFPArum italicum Mill.
NGBTUN 1360 PFPAcacia mollissima
NGBTUN 1361 PFPQuercus coccifera
NGBTUN 1362 PFPBellis annua
NGBTUN 1363 PFPCalicotome villosa
NGBTUN 1364 PFPErica arborea
NGBTUN 1365 PFPAsplenium adiantum-nigrum L.
NGBTUN 1366 PFPPolygonum spp.
NGBTUN 1367 PFPUrginea maritima
NGBTUN 1368 PFPPteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn
NGBTUN 1369 PFPInconnu inconnu
NGBTUN 1370 PFPRhamnus alaternus L.
NGBTUN 1371 PFPRubus ulmifolius Schott
NGBTUN 1372 PFPQuercus coccifera L.
NGBTUN 1373 PFPCytisus villosus Pourr.
NGBTUN 1374 PFPPhillyrea angustifolia L.
NGBTUN 1375 PFPIlex aquifolium L.
NGBTUN 1376 PFPQuercus canariensis Willd.
NGBTUN 1377 PFPErica arborea L.
NGBTUN 1378 PFPInconnu inconnu
NGBTUN 1379 PFPJuncus sp L.
NGBTUN 1380 PFPErica scoparia L.
NGBTUN 1381 PFPDaphne gnidium L.
NGBTUN 1382 PFPQuercus suber
NGBTUN 1383 PFPInconnu inconnu
NGBTUN 1384 PFPViburnum tinus L.
NGBTUN 1385 PFPGenista tricuspidata Desf.
NGBTUN 1386 PFPPhillyrea latifolia L.
NGBTUN 1387 PFPErica arborea L.
NGBTUN 1388 PFPHalimium halimifolium
NGBTUN 1389 PFPAcacia dealbata Link
NGBTUN 1390 PFPCalicotome villosa
NGBTUN 1391 PFPCytisus villosus Pourr.
NGBTUN 1392 PFPDaphne gnidium L.
NGBTUN 1393 PFPPinus radiata D. Don
NGBTUN 1394 PFPPinus halepensis Mill.
NGBTUN 1395 PFPCasuarina glauca Sieber ex Spreng.
NGBTUN 1396 PFPQuercus acrodonta Seemen
NGBTUN 1397 PFPQuercus canariensis Willd.
NGBTUN 1398 PFPQuercus suber L.
NGBTUN 1399 PFPHalimium halimifolium
NGBTUN 1400 PFPErica arborea
NGBTUN 1401 PFPQuercus canariensis Willd.
NGBTUN 1402 PFPPhillyrea latifolia L.
NGBTUN 1403 PFPCalicotome villosa (Poir.) Link
NGBTUN 1404 PFPPhillyrea latifolia L.
NGBTUN 1405 PFPCalicotome villosa (Poir.) Link
NGBTUN 1406 PFPQuercus canariensis
NGBTUN 1407 PFPErica arborea L.
NGBTUN 1408 PFPPolypodium vulgare L.
NGBTUN 1409 PFPAlnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.
NGBTUN 1410 PFPErica arborea L.
NGBTUN 1411 PFPPopulus nigra L.
NGBTUN 1412 PFPPolypodium spp.
NGBTUN 1413 PFPPhillyrea latifolia L.
NGBTUN 1414 PFPQuercus canariensis Willd.
NGBTUN 1415 PFPDaphne gnidium L.
NGBTUN 1416 PFPPinus halepensis Mill.
NGBTUN 1417 PFPErica arborea L.
NGBTUN 1418 PFPErica scoparia L.
NGBTUN 1419 PFPHalimium halimifolium
NGBTUN 1420 PFPCalicotome villosa (Poir.) Link
NGBTUN 1421 PFPQuercus suber L.
NGBTUN 1422 PFPPhillyrea latifolia L.

NGBT Plant Germplasm System Distribution Policy

Plant germplasm is distributed to scientists, educators, producers and other bona fide research and education entities from National genebank of Tunisia active collection sites. The NGBT Curator and/or Research Leader will, in accordance with current NPGS policies and procedures, determine the legitimacy of a request when necessary.

Distributions to fulfill requests for repatriation of subsamples of germplasm collections to a country or community of origin, especially following natural or man-made catastrophes, are considered a high priority.

Although distributions for research, education, and repatriation are of the highest priority, the NPGS also encourages various seed-saver organizations and public gardens to conduct germplasm conservation activities that engage many individuals and groups throughout the country. Elements of the NPGS cooperate with seed-saver organizations and public gardens and may store germplasm for and distribute germplasm to such organizations.

Distribution of germplasm from NPGS collections to fulfill requests from individuals seeking free germplasm strictly for home use is generally considered an inappropriate use of limited resources and conflicts with U.S. Government policy of not competing with commercial enterprises. Requestors can be asked, in an appropriate manner, to justify the use of specific NPGS germplasm instead of suitable commercially available germplasm.

Accessions listed in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) database as “not available” due to insufficient or low viability seed and/or scheduled for regeneration will generally not be available for distribution.

Other accessions are listed in GRIN as “not available” because they are not a part of the NPGS collection per se, but are conserved in NPGS genebanks to meet specific needs as described later in the section entitled “Categories of Germplasm Distributed and Availability.” In this category are certain accessions of improved germplasm that are only available from the owner/developer. Other accessions require that specific conditions be met by the requestor before distribution is possible.

NPGS sites will not distribute germplasm internationally when they cannot comply with the importation or quarantine requirements of the recipient country unless the requestor can provide a valid waiver of such requirements.